[Albums] フォトアルバム / イースタン・シエラ / マンザナー [ITODA.COM]
マンザナー国定史跡 2016
 (Manzanar National Historic Site 2016)
マンザナー国定史跡 (Manzanar National Historic Site) のオート・ツアー (Auto Tour) の写真集。 (2016年5月)
[IMG_2138+.jpg] [IMG_2145+.jpg] [IMG_2158.jpg]
[nps.gov.gif] [wikipedia.org.gif] [wikipedia.org.gif] [geonames.org.gif]

オート・ツアー (Auto Tour) / ドライビング・ツアー・ロード (Driving Tour Road) [nps.gov.gif]
Auto Tour start

Block 14
[IMG_1644.jpg] [IMG_1645+.jpg] [IMG_2140++.jpg]
"BLK. 14 BLDB. 8"
[IMG_2141.jpg] [IMG_1646.jpg]
Block 14

Driving Tour Road
Manzanar Cemetery to west

マンザナー・セメタリー (Manzanar Cemetery) [maps.google.com.jpg]
[IMG_2143+.jpg] [IMG_2153+.jpg] [IMG_2147+.jpg]
intersection Manzanar Cemetery
[IMG_2144++.jpg] [IMG_1647+.jpg] [IMG_1648++.jpg]
Manzanar Cemetery
[IMG_2145+.jpg] [IMG_2148+.jpg] [IMG_2151.jpg]
Manzanar Cemetery
[IMG_2146+.jpg] [IMG_2149.jpg] [IMG_2150+.jpg]
Manzanar Cemetery west of Cemetery

To Manzanar Reservoir
[IMG_2167++.jpg] [IMG_2154++.jpg] [IMG_2155+.jpg]
Manzanar Reservoir 1 Mile (north) turn to west / out from NHS Manzanar National Historic Site boundary
[IMG_2156++.jpg] [IMG_2157.jpg]
another intersection

マンザナー・レザボアManzanar Reservoir [maps.google.com.jpg]
[IMG_2158.jpg] [IMG_2160+.jpg]
Manzanar Reservoir from west
[IMG_1649.jpg] [IMG_2165.jpg] [IMG_2166.jpg] [IMG_2164.jpg]
Manzanar Reservoir / from east
[IMG_2161.jpg] [IMG_2162.jpg] [IMG_2163.jpg]
Manzanar Reservoir / from north amazing work over 70 years ago!

To Manzanar Chicken Ranch
[IMG_2168.jpg] [IMG_2169+.jpg] [IMG_2170.jpg] [IMG_2172.jpg]
Manzanar Chicken Ranch 1 Mile (south) Bairs Creek
[IMG_2171.jpg] [IMG_2173.jpg]
Manzanar Chicken Ranch 0.4 at Manzanar Chicken Ranch

Manzanar Chicken Ranch [maps.google.com.jpg]
[IMG_2174.jpg] [IMG_2175++.jpg] [IMG_2176.jpg]
Manzanar Chicken Ranch
[IMG_1651.jpg] [IMG_1652+.jpg] [IMG_1651+52+.jpg]
from Manzanar Chicken Ranch

Driving Tour Road
Block 9 / Mess Hall Garden

Mess Hall Garden
[IMG_2178++.jpg] [IMG_1653_1.jpg] [IMG_2179.jpg]
Mess Hall Garden
[IMG_2180.jpg] [IMG_2181+.jpg]
Mess Hall Garden
[IMG_1653_1.jpg] [IMG_1653_1.jpg]
from Mess Hall Garden

Driving Tour Road
[IMG_2182.jpg] [IMG_2184+.jpg]
Mount Williamson and
 Driving Tour Road

Historic Entrance [maps.google.com.jpg]
[IMG_2185+.jpg] [IMG_2187+.jpg] [IMG_2189+.jpg]
Historic Entrance "First Street, Manzanar, USA" Sentry Post
[IMG_2190.jpg] [IMG_1654+.jpg] [IMG_2192.jpg]
Historic Entrance "Manzanar War Relocation Center"

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